
Jorgenson Companies is a BBB Accredited Industrial Equipment Supplier in Salt Lake City, UT

Mon. - Fri., 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST. We accept GSA Orders

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Bookmark us—now! Why? Because we update our inventory daily.

Yep. We take the time to review which used lockers have come into our warehouse and have gone our rigorous multipoint inspection process and can now be put on the auction block, so to speak. We update our inventory daily and sometimes even more frequently to allow our customers the opportunity to make the best decision possible when it comes to finding a locker that fits their specific and unique use.

It may drive our inventory manager a bit crazy keeping tabs on thousands upon thousands of used lockers, but this is yet another reason why usedlockers.com is the best place to shop for your next locker. If you can’t see or read about each locker we have, you can’t choose the best for your needs. Updating our huge inventory daily also prevents you getting excited about a used locker that at our competitor’s stores may have left their warehouse weeks ago.

Here we want to be as up-to-date as possible when it comes to our inventory. But remember that if you do find something, you had better hit the ‘buy now’ button quickly! Because odds are pretty high that someone may be looking for that exact locker too and we only have limited amounts in any locker you find here, so once you find one you like don’t delay and grab it now.