
Jorgenson Companies is a BBB Accredited Industrial Equipment Supplier in Salt Lake City, UT

Mon. - Fri., 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM CST. We accept GSA Orders

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Our Premier Box Lockers are the perfect choice when you need secure storage for a large number of users...and space is definitely at a premium. With bodies made of 24 gauge steel and doors and frames constructed of 16 gauge steel (specially formed for added strength and rigidity), they are just as strong and durable as the other lockers in our Premier Series—while being the perfect size for safely storing small personal items. Each features a spacious area for your employees, students or guests to safely stow away their cell phones, tablets, iPods, books, purses, wallets and other gadgets.

Popular choices for gyms, schools, office buildings and more. We have various colors and sizes available to fit whatever your needs may be!


  • Compact yet efficient
  • Spacious area for storing small personal items
  • Accept multiple types of locker locks
  • Several sizes and colors available

Available Options
