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Jorgenson Gym Lockers

What kind of gym buff are you? The Extreme Bodybuilder, whose biceps are so big they have their own zip code? The Social Butterfly, who makes working out into a social event and knows everyone in the gym? The Bookworm, who multi-tasks by using the elliptical AND getting his/her reading fix for the day?

OK, so no matter what your gym "type" is, the fact remains that you need a safe place to keep your stuff while you're working out. That's where we come in. Our exclusive line of Jorgenson Gym Lockers are just what you need to keep your clothes and other personal belongings safe and secure while you're working up a sweat...so you won't have to work yourself up into a different kind of sweat (you know, the nervous kind!) worrying about your stuff. And speaking of sweat...these lockers offer the maximum amount of ventilation possible, allowing for plenty of air circulation to let your workout clothes dry out and eliminate those not-so-pleasant odors that are so commonly associated with the locker room.

  • Love all of the features of our classic metal lockers--but want to keep smells and odors at bay? Our Single Tier Gym Lockers provide the maximum amount of ventilation possible and plenty of space for storing personal belongings.

  • Want the same great features as our single tier units--but need to accommodate more users? Our Double Tier Gym Lockers have vertical space for hanging clothing and room on the bottom for stowing away other personal items. 

  • Limited space, but looking for lockers with some vertical space for hanging clothing and other gear, spacious room inside for storing other items and maximum ventilation? Our Triple Tier Gym Lockers are the answer.
  • Need to accommodate A LOT of users but don't have a ton of floor space? Our Box Gym Lockers are compact, but have plenty of room for safely storing cell phones, iPods, wallets and other small personal items.