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Old & Vintage Lockers

DIY Locker Blog Resources

We love sharing our passion for old metal lockers and have found plenty of great blogs about that provide useful DIY information and tips on how lockers can be used, how to refurbish and repair them, unique organization ideas and more.

Here is a list of our top favorite locker blogs that inspire us and remind us all the amazing uses this one product has to offer. If you have any cool locker related projects don't forget to share your work work us!

used lockers

  • SchoolLockers.com-This site is packed with informative how-to's on storage and organization, cool DIY and locker tutorials, such as how to build/assemble your lockers, updated info on all the latest deals and promotions available on their huge site of new lockers. 

  • Dysfunctional Designs-Inspiration for those looking for upcycling ideas to revamp their vintage lockers. 

  • The Majestic Mama- Resource for helping kids and teens decorate their locker with creative, budget-friendly ideas that won't break the bank and will ensure their locker is the coolest and most organized one around!

Interested in having your locker project featured? Send us a link to your blog here.